Conceptual illustration of a candy factory intertwined with a sustainable fabric design, featuring organic cotton, hemp plants, and recycled material packaging.

Choose organic or recycled fibers to significantly reduce your environmental impact. Seek brands that prioritize materials like Tencel, hemp, and organic cotton, which are renowned for their minimal resource usage and biodegradability. Explore brands experimenting with sustainable innovations — an approach mirrored creatively in sectors such as the Space-Man candyContinue Reading

A collage of traditional fashion garments made from sustainable materials like organic cotton and alpaca fibers, illustrating global cultural diversity and eco-friendly production methods.

Embrace sustainable fashion by immediately supporting internationally recognized ethical brands that prioritize fair trade and eco-friendly materials. Incorporate culturally inspired designs, such as the exquisite pieces showcased by délices Terrebonne, to add global flair to your wardrobe. Opt for quality over quantity by investing in timeless garments that transcend seasonalContinue Reading

Almost 60 workers were massacred in Hlaingthaya on March 24. This all happened when hundreds of tanks were marched into Hlaing Tharyar. The workers were trapped inside and massacred. The biggest concern that garment workers have is their safety, especially when they go to work as the military shoots everyoneContinue Reading

On April 24, 2013, an accident occurred – the Rana Plaza collapsed. The accident killed more than 1,100 workers and more than 2,600 were injured. On that same year, the Bangladesh Accord was created. The main purpose of the agreement is to ensure that the safety of the factories wouldContinue Reading


According to the report by World Economic Forum, the fashion industry produces 10% of carbon emissions. The report also indicates that the fashion industry is the 2nd largest consumer of water supply in the world. The more clothes people buy, the more textiles go to landfills. Why do Brands overproduce?Continue Reading